Monday, November 5, 2007

so i'm pretty torn up about what to do.

when you fall out of love with someone and get over them and move on with your life,
its hard to fall back in love with them.

thats what im trying to do right now.
hes sweet.
and what i wanted.
but my heart isnt in it anymore.

i want it to be.
i really want to stay like this.
and pretend to be happy.
but i cant.

i have a problem with letting myself wallow in bad situations.
i have come too far to stop now.

and my aunt in south carolina decided to write to me about how she's sad i left.
well good.
i hope you are heartbroken.
my dad, step mom and aunt screwed me over big time.

no one deserves to be manipulated and lied to.
i moved up north so i could live with my mom.
and people who care about what i think.

sorry im better off up here.
more later.
its lunch.

<3 emma.


Anonymous said...

I can understand that. I use mine like that, too. It's nice to be able to moan about things, in a place that people don't know about. To be able to be yourself, and get to grips with how you're feeling. Nobody i know, knows about my blog either.

Yeah, i live in the south of England, in a town called Reading, just outside London.

I always thought it'd be cool to live in America. I think the UK media portrays a negative image about America, but its hard to believe what you read in the papers.

When you say you're 'stuck there for a while longer', do you mean that it's not your permanent home?

Hope you're ok. x-o-x

Anonymous said...

Oh no, it doesn't sound like that at all. You're allowed to feel what you want, you shouldn't be critical of that :) You've been through so much! That's more than most people ever have to cope with. You seem to be doing really well and that's something to be really proud of.

I think i know what you mean about people being fake. My cousin and her husband lived in California for a year, and she said that it drove her mad, that people never really seemed to be honest with one another.

I can see why your mum wants you to be a model, you're beautiful, but being a model must be really, really tough. The same with the band too. Ah, as long as whatever you do, it makes you happy.

I'm at university at the moment, studying Microbiology. I did want to go into research, but now all i want to do is be a counselor. Do you know what you want to do, when you're older? x-o-x