Thursday, September 27, 2007

once again...

i want to scream at the sheer unfairness.

life refuses to let me be happy for longer than like 5 min.
i swear.

i meet a guy that seems genuine.
that seems amazing.

unlike the rest.

that i really like and is cute.

and he turns out to be a lying immature fucker.

grr. i hate that.

and i hit the wall so hard last night that my knuckle bled and i dented the wall.
so casey made me walk around last night to burn off some of the adrenaline.


what the hell.

this always happens.

once i graduate im done with this town and all of its people.
they're all so artificial.

i hate pretend.

so im done with guys for at least a month.
at least.
and i'm not interested in anyone right now anyways.

they all seem so un- well idk.
just not interesting.

and matt decided that im a meaningless whore.



i wanted to yell that at him in the hall today.

thank god i never slept with that.


that would have been the worst mistake ever.

oh and the fucker decided that he didnt like me being friends with his best friend.
so he made up bull shit about how scott said that all i do is annoy him.

and i should have known he was lying.
becasue he said scott blamed him for giving me his number.

scott gave me his number the night before.
matt never mentioned it.

and i overreacted at scott.

but we're cool now.

its just RIgoddamnDICULOUS.

yeah i said it.

oh well kiddies.

its almost lunchtimes for emmas.

so imma have to go and eat something and see who's visiting the tree today.

much love.
as always.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That doesn't sound fair on you. :( Must feel like things are against you right now, but if you look hard enough, there's lil' things to be happy for in even the worst of situations. If you find even just 1 good thing, everyday, it'll help you get through :) x-o-x